Monday, March 31, 2008

Boise or Bust!

Top 7 Reasons Why I Hate Boise:

1. Water smells like rotten eggs roasting in the sun!
2. My house is so small I am living out of a box of clothes.
3. I have to take a shower with my nose plugged to prevent vomitting from the rotten egg smell. (You may think this is a repeat of #1, but trust me it is bad enough to be in two spots)
4. We have no friends.
5. I have no clue where anything is at.
6. We do not have cable tv so I am totally missing my shows: The Hills, Jon and Kate Plus 8, Law & Order and of course Paula Dean and the Food Network Crew.
7. I can't fit my king size bed in my apartment, so I am sleeping on a full. (My butt is way too big)

Top 7 Reasons Why I Like Boise:

1. In one Sunday at church we had more people talk to us than in the whole year we lived in Lehi.
2. The downtown is awesome with lots of cute shops. (If only I could find the downtown)
3. Everyone walks here, so hopefullyI will find a walking buddy and loose my baby fat!
4. The Wal-Mart is never crowded. EVEN on a SATURDAY!
5. People are really nice! (Even at the Wal-Mart)
6. No freeway driving to get to most places.
7. $3 car wash (I love washing my car)